72 Building of Matica slovenská — Žilina Gallery

Žilina Gallery :: Fotogaléria mesta Žiliny


72 Building of Matica slovenská

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72 Building of Matica slovenská

72 – Building of Matica slovenská, Hollého Street No. 11

Turistická informačná tabuľka č. 72 s QR kódom na Dome Matice slovenskej (Hollého ulica)
(Foto: 20. 3. 2015)

Filip Holzmann from Bytčica purchased a plot at Hollého Street No. 11 from Herman Donáth in 1923 and had a new residential house built on it. The construction was realised and probably also designed by the firm of Ľudevít Kantúrik. After being completed in 1926, the son of Filip Holzmann Emil and his wife Aranka, born as Wertheimerová sold it to Adolf Rosenzweig. Žilina scouts were using the house from 1945 to 1951. Descendants of the Rosenzweig family did not live in the house and owned it until 1952, when they sold it to the Unified Association of Anglers in Žilina. After building a new house at Kmeťová Street, the Association passed the title of the house to Kovoslužba Žilina. After the liquidation of Kovoslužba in 1992, the house was taken by the town of Žilina, which made it a seat of the Park of Culture and Relaxation in Žilina. After the Park of Culture and Relaxation was cancelled, on 15 September 1994 the town board decided to sell the building to Matica slovenská for a symbolic 1 Slovak Crown. Consequently, the town contributed a sum amounting to two and half million Slovak Crowns to the reconstruction of the building and, after completed, the House of Matica slovenská in Žilina was established in the building on 1 January 1996 as a permanent place of operation of Matica slovenská.
The House fulfils cultural, social and methodical goals of Matica Slovenská in the territory of districts of Bytča, Čadca, Kysucké Nové Mesto, Martin, Turčianske Teplice and Žilina. In the house there is the exile library focused on foreign exile literature available to the public free of charge.
Several institutions and organisations had their seats in the House of Matica Slovanská in 2014: Živena – an Association of Slovak Women – Basic organisation in Žilina, Slovak scouting – Slovak OLD scouts and Slovak scouts in Žilina, Association of Slovak Philatelists – Club of philatelists in Žilina, Chess club DMS in Žilina, Slovak Esperanto Society ESONO in Žilina, Association of Slovak Diabetics – Basic organisation in Žilina, Slovak Association of the Disabled No. 1, Slovak Association of the Disabled No. 4, Association of Slovakia citizens with Epilepsy – regional club AURA in Žilina.

Source: Mgr. Peter Štanský a doc. Ing. Novák Milan, PhD. Text prevzatý z webovej stránky TIK Žilina (kliknite): www.tikzilina.eu.

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