99 Townhouse 25 (EN) — Žilina Gallery

Žilina Gallery :: Fotogaléria mesta Žiliny


99 Townhouse 25 (EN)

premietanie (slideshow)
99 Townhouse 25 (EN)

99 – Townhouse 25, Marianske square

Turistická informačná tabuľka č. 99 s QR kódom na meštianskom dome č. 25
(Foto: 30. 8. 2008)

Townhouse 25 is located on the corner of Štúr and Vurum streets. The first known owner of the house was the Kadaši family. Unfortunately, the only information we have is from a relatively late period of history - the 18th century. Earlier information is not yet available. The family sold the building to František Suňoga. We know it was next owned by Anton Slonek, who bought the house for 900 gold coins in 1755. In 1835 it was sold to Adam, Ján, and Žofia Bittšanský for 9,000 gold coins. It housed a post office until the end of the 19th century. The Bittšanský family owned the house until 1960, when it was confiscated by the state. After that, the building was home to Central Slovakian Bakeries and Mills. It is originally a renaissance house from the mid-17th century, which was given a Baroque feel to it in the 18th century. The back wing was rebuilt at the beginning of the 20th century. It has an original stone cellar. There is a Renaissance basement, a Gothic–Renaissance ground floor, and a Baroque first floor. The property was renovated after 1995.

Source: PhDr. Marián Mrva. Text prevzatý z webovej stránky TIK Žilina (kliknite): www.tikzilina.eu.

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