98 – Townhouse 16, Marianske square
Turistická informačná tabuľka č. 98 s QR kódom na meštianskom dome č. 16
(Foto: 16. 9. 2015)
Architectural style: 17th century, extensively rebuilt in the 19th and 20th centuries. The predominant architectural style is Renaissance.
Formerly a terraced townhouse built on the original vaulted stone cellar. The history of the house is one of frequent ownership change. The house was bought from Elizabeta Bánovská by Michal Klebloth in 1751. His heirs sold the house to Ján Gombár, who repaired and rebuilt it at the end of the 18th century. Ján Gombár’s family and heirs lived here until the mid-19th century, when Jozef Veil became owner of the house. The house was inhabited by Jozef Veil and the families of Aloiz Heida and Aron Glozl. There were 18 people living here in total. Jozef Tatár bought the house in 1907 and sold it to the Tomas Bata Company in 1927. The company converted it into the internationally renowned shoe store. The cellar and other parts of the house are renaissance in style.
Source: PhDr. Marián Mrva. Text prevzatý z webovej stránky TIK Žilina (kliknite):
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