94 Townhouse 10 (EN) — Žilina Gallery

Žilina Gallery :: Fotogaléria mesta Žiliny

Žilina Gallery » Fotogaléria mesta Žiliny

94 Townhouse 10 (EN)

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94 Townhouse 10 (EN)

94 – Townhouse 10, Marianske square

Turistická informačná tabuľka č. 94 s QR kódom na meštianskom dome č. 10
(Foto: 1. 4. 2007)

Architectural style: in the 17th century this house underwent alterations and later in the 18th century it was rebuilt. The facade was altered in 1930. The gothic basement, ground floor and first floor are Renaissance in style. The predominant architectural style is Renaissance.
This former terraced townhouse was built on the original stone cellars. Initial information on this and the other building comes from the State Archives in Bytča – Žilina branch. Archive workers have carefully guarded Žilina’s rich historical source – the Books of transactions from the years 1732 to 1850. It is from these valuable books that we know that the first known owner of the house was the Draždík family. It later belonged to the Trajčík family and probably, once there were no family members left to inherit, the house became the property of the town of Žilina, which then sold it to Karol Ottomayer in 1791. He sold it after a few years, making a profit. The house was virtually destroyed during a town fire in 1848. In the year 1912 the house became the property of the Kohn and Karol families. They owned it until nationalization in 1962. The house has a Gothic basement and a ground floor with Renaissance features. There was a famous sweetie shop here under socialism. The building was restored in 1993.

Source: PhDr Marián Mrva. Text prevzatý z webovej stránky TIK Žilina (kliknite): www.tikzilina.eu.

Rozmery 900*600
Návštev 310

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