Tombs of Bratislava Rabbis — Žilina Gallery

Žilina Gallery :: Fotogaléria mesta Žiliny


Tombs of Bratislava Rabbis

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Tombs of Bratislava Rabbis

Pamätník Chatama Sofera – זיכרון החת"ם סופר – Chatam Sofer Memorial

Chatam Sofer * Pamätník * Hroby – החת"ם סופר * זיכרון * גרייבס – Chatam Sofer * Memorial * Graves
(Foto: 9. 9. 2014)

The Chatam Sofer Memorial is an undground Jewish burial compound, which contains 23 graves. The following prominent Bratislava rabbis are buried here. Mordechai Mochiach (d. 1729), Moshe ben Meir Charif of Lemberg (d. 1758), Akiba Eger the Elder (about 1720-1758), Yitzak Halevi Landau of Dukla (d. 1762), Meir ben Saul Barby of Halberstadt (about 1725-1789), Meshulam ben Shimson Igra of Tysmenitsa (1742-1801), Moshe Schreiber – the Chatam Sofer (1762-1839), Daniel Prostitz Steinschneider (1759-1846).

Source: Text prevzatý z web stránky Chatam Sofer Memorial (kliknite):

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