Royal Hungarian Ministry of Tilling (EN) — Žilina Gallery

Žilina Gallery :: Fotogaléria mesta Žiliny

Žilina Gallery » Fotogaléria mesta Žiliny

Royal Hungarian Ministry of Tilling (EN)

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Royal Hungarian Ministry of Tilling (EN)

36 – Royal Hungarian Ministry of Tilling in Žilina

Turistická informačná tabuľka č. 36 s QR kódom na budove UniCredit Bank
(Foto: 2. 7. 2006)

Royal Hungarian Ministry of Tilling: One of the most beautiful eclectic buildings on the corner of National and Milcová streets is a building that formerly housed a branch of the Royal Hungarian Ministry of Tilling - agriculture. Like the district court building opposite – also built for state administrative purposes - this building was built by Julius Grün of the building trade. The two-storey building was erected in 1904. In 1912, a second floor was added, and so the turret above the main entrance was altered as well.
In 1929 the original eclectic two-storey building was rebuilt, the windows were changed and an entrance hall was added for Julius Hofmann’s furniture store. The redevelopment plans were drawn up by Žigo Wertheimer, but the renovations altered the beautiful art nouveau character of the building. In 1932 Jozef Buxman and family bought the building for one million crowns. After the war Jozef Buxman returned from Auschwitz and took possession of the building once more. Following his death in 1947, his brother Gejza and Klein’s family obtained part of the house.
However, the building was nationalised in 1949 and then belonged to Tatra Furniture Nitra. In 1954 the Žilina household goods store was located there and then from 1960 onwards Žilina Furniture had a shop on the ground floor until 1991. The upper floors were offices. Several organisations were headquartered in the non-residential section of the building – in 1938 the residential section was home to the Hoffmann family, owners of the furniture store. In addition to the branch of the Ministry on the ground floor there was also a restaurant called Sauer.
In December 1918 the building was used for the Ministry Plenipotentiary for the Administration of Slovakia, basically, the Slovak government led by Vavro Šrobár. It was based there until early February 1919. Between 1929 and 1939 Julius Hoffmann furniture store was on the ground floor, then Pallaghy's was based there, while in the courtyard there were stockrooms and carpentry workshops. Julius Hoffmann not only produced its own furniture, but also sold furniture by JERRY and Förster pianos. In 1942 Vojtech Pallaghy used metal sheeting from the parish church to repair the roof of the building. The building is currently home to UniCredit Bank. In 1996 a plaque was mounted on the wall in commemoration of the work done by the Ministry Plenipotentiary for the Administration of Slovakia in Žilina.

Source: Mgr. Jozef Moravčík, Mgr. Peter Štanský. Text prevzatý z webovej stránky TIK Žilina (kliknite):

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