59 Drevoúnia (EN) — Žilina Gallery

Žilina Gallery :: Fotogaléria mesta Žiliny


59 Drevoúnia (EN)

premietanie (slideshow)
59 Drevoúnia (EN)

59 – Administratívna budova Drevoúnie v Žiline (dnes Krajská prokuratúra)

Turistická informačná tabuľka č. 59 s QR (Quick Response) kódom na Administratívnej budove Drevoúnie
(Foto: 4. 8. 2018)

At the corner of 1. mája and Moyzesova streets, Drevoúnia Žilina, a national company built a six-storey building with basement. It was designed in November 1947 by architect M. M. Scheer and once the relevant permits had been obtained construction began in 1948 and the building was probably completed in 1950. Drevoúnia Žilina was composed of several separate private companies merged together, during the post-war phase development of the wood industry in Slovakia, as a soft-wood log processing factory. Along with Drevoindustria Bratislava, involved in second stage of wood processing, they had several plants, including furniture production.
The architect Scheer designed the administration building as a footprint in the shape of a "u" with the main entrance on Moyzesova Street. The plans show that each floor is 620 square metres. The building is 37 metres wide on 1. mája Street and 20 metres long on Moyzesova Street. The plans show that cellars, a boiler room, equipment stores and furniture stores to be sold in the commercial quarters on the ground floor were to be designed in the basement. The plans also allowed for vehicles to enter the courtyard and underground garages. On the ground floor on the left-hand side from 1. mája Street there were plans for an apartment and also for one on the fifth floor. The staff quarters consisted of two rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom, while off the ground and first floors there were terraces. On all the floors, except the fifth there were offices, meeting rooms, stores, filing rooms, etc. Accommodation for guests was designed on the fifth floor - a dining room, kitchen, lounge, laundry with drying room, three guest rooms with a bathroom and terrace. An elevator ran from the ground floor up the centre of the building.
In the 1950s, Žilina District National Committee was based in the building. It was a district branch of the state administration and was also responsible for construction and had many other powers. From 1960 to 1962 the College of Transport was relocated from Prague to Žilina and in September 1960 it acquired this building and many others. The rector's office and the dean’s offices for various faculties, departments and institutes were based here. In the former commercial premises on the ground floor they created a hall belonging to the Department of Railway Transport and Carriage with a size H0 model track and model trains by PIKO, a German company.
Once the new college premises were completed on Veľké dielo in March 2005, the University of Žilina relocated and sold its building on Moyzesova Street to the Regional Procurator in Žilina in 2006. The building was temporarily rented out to the Municipal Court in Žilina, whose building on Hviezdoslavova Street was undergoing reconstruction at that time. The Regional Procurator in Žilina is now based in this building.

It was designed by Milan Maximilián Scheer from Považská Bystrica, who had studied German technology in Brno. He then worked in Žilina but his designs often travelled further than just the Žilina region and he had a great impact on the domestic architectural scene with the progressive ideas he got from his studies. In 1948 he co-founded Stavoprojekt Slovakia and headed the regional architects’ workshop in Žilina. In Žilina there are many architecturally important buildings, such as the Financial Palace, Svojdomov residential colony, Hustý department store, the state elementary school in Závažie, the Salesian Institute, shops on the Parish Steps, the printers on Hviezdoslava Street and a number of houses and utility buildings designed between 1926 and 1951.

Source: Mgr. Peter Štanský, doc. Ing. Novák Milan, PhD. Text prevzatý z webovej stránky TIK Žilina (kliknite): www.tikzilina.eu.

Rozmery 906*600
Návštev 364

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